How you can build your own bar stool race car?

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The term bar stool racer is relatively new but is gaining popularity at a rapid rate. With the appearance of a strange go-kart, a bar stool racer is a new type of toy that can make your pastime more enjoyable.

If you are reading this article, we believe you already know about a bar stool racer. A sitting stool on a go-kart-like frame with a mounted single-cylinder engine makes it an exciting toy for excitement lovers. A bar stool racer will also have handlebars with throttles, making it a little challenging to maneuver.

And that is where the fun comes from. It is indeed possible to grab a bar stool racer from the marketplace. But you can also build your own to reduce the cost or to show your creativity.

If you need a little aid with your process, this article is here to give you a comprehensive guideline on how you can build a bar stool racer on your own-

Bar stool racer plans


What is a bar stool racer?

Bar stool racer build

A bar stool racer is a fun vehicle with a go-kart frame and a sitting stool mounted on a single-cylinder engine.

A bar-stool-racer will also have handlebars with the mounted throttle on it to steer or controlling the vehicle.

If you have never seen a bar stool racer before, it may seem funnier at the first glance. And that is what it is. The primary purpose of a bar stool racer is for sure to deliver fun and versatility.

Can you build your own bar stool racer?

Yes, it is always possible to build your own bar stool racer to grab the excitement of fun and versatility.

Building a bar stool racer does not require you to be a proficient engineer. Anybody with basic assembly knowledge will be able to do the job on his own.

If you are still reminding yourself that you are not an expert, we would love to remind you that practical experience brings real expertise.

If you have the confidence, get into the work and take the first step. You will always find it easier than your imagination.

How much knowledge do you think it requires to build a bar stool racer on your own? Let us find out.

How much knowledge does it require to build a bar stool racer?

Here are some of the aspects where you need to be good at to build a new bar stool racer on your own-

  1. Handling or mounting chassis.
  2. Powertrain.
  3. Safety design.
  4. Working expertise

We are not saying that you need to be good at all these aspects to a great degree rather having a little working experience in all these areas will always bring positive results to build the machine will absolute confidence.

How do you make your own bar stool racer?

The two primary ways to make a bar stool racer is:

  1. Building on an existing frame.
  2. Scratch building.

The first process which is building a bar stool racer on an existing frame does not require any expertise at all. You just have to buy the existing frame to mount all of the additional equipment on it. Having a little knowledge of assembly will be enough to do the job.

On the other hand, the scratch building is the essential part where you will require having better knowledge.  We are here to discuss both these two methods so that you do no face any complications at all.

Building on an existing frame

This method is not about building a new bar stool racer on your own; rather it is more like doing some assembly to give the frame a perfect layout.

If you do not want to stretch your brain, this should be the ideal way to get your own bar stool racer.

You will get to purchase or build a bar stool racer frame from most automobile repair shops.

You just need to give the instruction so that they can build the frame as you want.

Once you have got the existing frame, you just need to do the assembly to give it a go on the terrain.

Some essential parts you will require to assemble on the frame are:

  1. A sitting stool
  2. Steering wheel
  3. Handlebar
  4. Throttle
  5. Wheels

That is it. Mounting all these parts to the existing frame will now give you a perfect bar stool racer to grab the real taste of fun and excitement.

What’s the benefit of building a bar stool racer on an existing frame?

The three benefits of building a bar stool racer on an existing frame are:

  1. You do not need to brainstorm.
  2. It reduces physical activity.
  3. You get to avoid making mistakes.

First and foremost, building a bar stool racer on an existing frame will give you relief from brainstorming.

To make any simple or complicated design, brainstorming is always the first prerequisite. But when you are assembling the parts on an existing frame, you do not need to do any sort of thinking about the design or weight distribution.

Second of all, building a bar stool racer on an existing frame will reduce your physical hard work. The process of building a bar stool racer may seem simple, but it is always a culmination of several complex jobs. From layering the design to collecting all the parts and then assembling all of them in the correct fashion demand you to do a lot of physical works. But when you can get the most important frame without doing any sort of activity, the level of physical activity reduces to a great degree. As a result, you get to soothe yourself without stretching your muscle out.

The final benefit of building a bar stool racer on an existing frame is you get to reduce the chance of doing any mistakes to a great level. We know that building a bar stool racer on your own does not require one to have a lot of expertise. But making any mistakes in the middle of the building process can lead you to a pensive mood. A simple failure of making perfect weight distribution can lead you to rethink the whole process.  Therefore, it is always an ideal choice to build a bar stool racer on an existing frame when you have less confidence.

Scratch building

Scratch building is the real process of building a bar stool racer on your own. When you have a plan to build a bar stool racer from scratch, you need to complete the whole process from the beginning to the end to give the vehicle a real shape.

Therefore, it requires a little bit of knowledge and working experience to do it on your own. We are not saying that you cannot start without any working experience. You always can. It is that you have to have a mindset to restart again once you make a mistake.

If you have the courage, let us show you the step-by-step guidelines to build a bar stool racer from scratch.

How to make a bar stool racer from the scratch?

The eight-step by step processes to build a bar stool racer are:

  1. Calculating the cost.
  2. Enough knowledge 
  3. Brainstorming the design.
  4. Resources ( parts and materials)
  5. Building the frame          
  6. Mounting all the parts on the frame.
  7. Safety
  8. Final try.

If you are still here with us, let us dive deeper into the discussion-

Calculating the cost

The first thing that gets the most priority is always the aggregated cost. Building a bar stool racer on your own does not seem that costly. On average, building a bars stool racer can cost you around 200$ dollars to 350$ dollars.

If you can reduce the material cost, you can even think about building one within 150$ dollars.

You need to calculate the cost according to the design and quality. Mounting some better parts on the frame will always cost more than mounting cheaper products.

Besides, the building material of the chassis or frame will also come in handy to determine the aggregated cost of the racer.

Enough knowledge

The term enough knowledge specifies the exact amount of knowledge that one requires to build a bar stool racer.  Believing that you will make it even from a little knowledge can also give enough boosts to start the process. We always love to encourage people to start the process. If they can start, they have the potential to finish the task as well. Many of them do not even start fearing that they will not be able to do it.

Here are some of the essential aspects where you will need to have better knowledge to build a bar stool racer-

  1. Building a chassis.
  2. Power train.
  3. Suspension
  4. Working knowledge
  5. Building a chassis

Having moderate knowledge in building a chassis of any automobile will give you enough confidence to build a bar stool racer. If you do not have any previous experience of building a chassis, we recommend checking some videos from YouTube so that you get to learn about the process.

Power train

The next important feature you need to be good at while building a bar stool racer is a perfect sense of alignment. If you can align all of the components and parts with complete proficiency, there is a high chance that your bar stool racer will perform as you expected. On the other hand, building the vehicle proficiently without aligning the parts and components can lead you to get some strange behavior from the bar stool racer.


The next phase to acquire knowledge is the suspension system of the vehicle. A convenient suspension system of the vehicle allows the rider to control the vehicle in different terrain. Besides, a better suspension system always delivers handy service to get better smoothness in maximum situations.

Therefore, allocate some time to learn about the suspension system of an automobile to make better customization.

Working knowledge

This is the most important aspect that we all the time encourage a beginner to be involved in. Having better working knowledge can lead you to expertise even without any sort of theoretical knowledge.

Therefore, it is important that you observe the experts and their working methods. Doing so will help you to be better and more confident with your process.

Brainstorming the design

Now that we have the sense of appropriateness, it is time to move into the next section. There is nothing more pleasurable than creating a new item.

And the first prerequisite to building any creative item is brainstorming properly. Therefore, you need to prefix the layout or frame to mount all of the other components. But how come you fix a layout without having any previous experience? Here are the processes-

Research on the internet for collecting resources. You will always find numerous sourcesto gather some knowledge about plenty of frame layouts.

YouTube can also turn out to be an excellent learning tool to teach you the process of building a new frame. If you think this is not your kind of job, you can always check YouTube to get some knowledge.

Visit an automobile repair shop and ask them to teach you the process of building a new frame.  They may charge you some bucks for the internship, but those bucks will always be worth the knowledge you will learn.


Once you have gained the knowledge, you need to get into the real work. But you can never start anything without having the appropriate resources. Therefore, it is essential that you gather all of the resources before jumping into the practical work. Here are some of the essential elements you will need to have to get into the real work:

  1. Single-cylinder engine.
  2. Necessary screws and bolts.
  3. Handlebars.
  4. Wheels.
  5. Throttle.
  6. Adjustment valve. 
  7. Sitting stool.
  8. Chassis material.

You may also require some additional tools in terms of your setup and installation.  Always ensure that you have the appropriate resources available before you get into the process. It will help you to do the job more efficiently. Besides, you will always be able to save your time and energy when you will have the right resources near your hand.

Building the frame

Bar stool racer frame

Now that we have determined the frame we will be building. It is the right time to get into the work. In that particular step, we are going to start building the frame from the scratch.

If you think you will be able to make it without any sort of additional knowledge, we would really love to appreciate your courage.

But if you are a little dubious about your capability, we recommend you start from experience. Take someone as your guide so that you do not make any mistakes in the middle of the construction. Ask for help from an expert about the whole process to make the job much easier.

Mounting all the parts on the existing frame

Now that you have the frame ready to roll, it is time to give it a shape. In this particular step, you need to mount all of the parts and accessories on the frame.

  1. Start with the engine first. You will always notice that the stool tends to remain mounted on the engine. Therefore, setting the engine is always the first task you need to start with.
  2.  Once you have done installing the engine, it is time to set up the sitting stool on it.
  3. Install the wheel and ensure transmission from the engine to the wheel.
  4. Setup the handlebar and throttle to steer or control the vehicle.
  5. Bolt up all the screws and nuts properly to avoid any kinds of complications.
  6. Ensure that all of the connections are secured enough to start the engine.
  7. Never or ever forgot to load the fuel tank with oil before you start giving the vehicle a try.

That is it. We are almost ready with a newly-made bar stool racer. Don't get so much excitement right now. You need to complete some more steps to give it a try on the terrain.


Now comes the most important section where you need to check whether the bar stool racer is safe enough to give a try or not. How do you ensure that?

First and foremost, ensure that you have adjusted all of the cables for a safer connection. Any leakages or misconnection can lead to a disturbing experience.

Second of all, checking the alignment will help you to ride the bar stool racer with full confidence. If the alignment or powertrain of the vehicle is appropriate, getting versatility from the vehicle becomes much easier.

Adjust the throttle and handlebar so that you can get better controllability over the bar stool racer. Be more confident with controlling the throttle so that you can avoid any hassle in the middle of a ride.

Check the wheels and wheel connection. The single-cylinder engine will transmit the power directly to the wheels for the run. Therefore, getting smooth transmission requires you to have a smooth connection.

Final try

Bar stool racer garage

Now that we have completed all of the steps so far, it is time to give it a final try. If you are satisfied with all of the previous steps, you can go for a test ride.

If you feel like everything is okay with the bar stool racer, you can go for a casual ride or join a racing event.

On the other hand, customize or optimize the parts if you notice any sort of complications.

You may also need to synchronize the parts to retain the balance of the bar stool racer.


How much does it cost to build a bar stool racer?

Building a bar stool racer will cost anywhere between 150$ dollars to 350$ dollars. Building a bar stool racer on an existing frame may cost more than building from scratches.

Is it possible to make a DIY bar stool racer?

Yes, it is always possible to make a DIY bar stool racer. You only need to have the proper knowledge and guideline to get into the process.

Are bar-stool-racers street legal?

No, bar-stool racers are not street legal. No states of the USA allow a rider to ride on a bar-stool racer on the road.

You can only take them for a fun ride or a fun bar stool racer racing event. 

Can I get parts of a bar stool racer on the market?

Yes, you can get almost all of the parts of a bar stool racer on the market.

One of the ideal reasons to build a bar stool racer on your own is that all of the parts tend to be affordable and good for the money. Therefore, you always get the chance to save some of your bucks than purchasing a prebuilt one.

Can I purchase an existing frame of a bar stool racer?

Yes, it is also possible to purchase an existing frame of a bar stool racer to build it on your own.

You will notice many of the bar stool racers who purchase an existing frame of a bar stool racer and mount all of the gears on it.

If you want to build a bar stool racer but lacks the knowledge and proficiency, building it on an existing frame may allow you to complete your desired job.

Doing so can also reduce the cost a little more than purchasing a new one.

How can I get a budget-friendly bar stool racer?

The only way to get a budget-friendly bar stool racer is to build it on your own. You will always be able to save almost half of the budget of a new bar stool racer.

Final summary

  1. Bar-stool racer is a funny-looking vehicle with a GO-Kart-like shape.
  2. People tend to use a bar stool racer for fun and racing.
  3. It is always possible to build a bar stool racer on your own.
  4. Doing research and learning the basics can enable even a beginner to build his own bar stool racer.
  5. Building a bar stool racer on an existing frame or building from scratch are the two essential ways to build a DIY bar stool racer.

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