SSR ELECTRIC QUAD ABT-E350R vs. ABT-E350 Reviews: A complete in-depth review on SSR quads

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You probably know SSR for its outstanding and budget-friendly dirt and pit bikes. But do you know that manufacturer also brings some budget-friendly and entry-level quad to the market to make every kid comfortable?

Yes, we are talking about SSR quads here. In this article, we will talk about the two most popular entry-level quads that SSR brings to the market.

In terms of performance, both SSR ABT-E350 and ABT-E350R share the same characteristics. But the ABT-E350 can save a little bit of your budget than the ABT-E350R edition.

So which one should you choose? The following sections contain an in-depth discussion on both these topics.

If that is why you are here, let’s get into it-

SSR Electric Quad review

SSR ABT-E350R vs. ABT-E350


Before disclosing the exact specifications, we would love to mention that both quads share the same specifications except the price. Anyway, the ABT-E350R edition can turn out to be a little more capable than its predecessor ABT-E350 edition. Here goes the specification chart shared by the manufacturer-








Around $540 dollars.

Around $599 dollars


Electric motor/350watt.

Electric motor/350watt

Speed control

Low and high

Low and high

Maximum speed

9 mph

9 mph





44x26x39 inches

44x26x39 inches


88 pounds

88 pounds

Features worth discussing

You can pick any one of these two when your preference is to get an entry-level quad because both ATVs have almost identical features.  But still, there are some features you won't be able to understand by scanning through the user manual only. Therefore, we thought about mentioning all those features in this particular section-

ABT-E350 is a little cheaper than the ABT-E350R

According to the manufacturer's specifications, the ABT-E350 quad is available at a price of around $539 dollars, whereas the ABT-E350R is available at a price of around $599 dollars. The price may vary depending on the platform you are choosing to grab the item.

That means you will get to save around $60 dollars if you choose the first one.

ABT-E350R is a little more capable than the ABT-E350

We are not making any distinctions, but it seems that E350R is capable of delivering a little more resilience than the previous one. It may be because the battery is a little advanced although the power capacity of both items is almost the same. You can expect to get additional five minutes of battery support with the E350 edition.

Both E350 and E350R are electric

Yes, both SSR quads run on electric motors. Therefore, it is legit that these quads will not be able to retain the charge for a long time. But the amount you will get should suffice your kids' needs.  We will not make any exaggerated claims by saying that the battery performance will remain the same for a long time.

Using the throttle for a long and consistent usage can reduce the battery performance within two years. But that is what is common in the case of smaller electric quads.

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Both quads are perfect for entry-level

SSR quads are always perfect for your little ones to give them a perfect quad experience with the safety of an electric motor. You cannot expect to get much more features on an entry-level quad at such a price range.

These quads are not the fastest, but fast enough to enjoy the fun.

According to SSR, both E350 and E350R are capable of delivering a top speed of up to 9mph. As an experienced campaigner, you may laugh at the speed. But these quads are really fast enough to please any kid. These quads are fast enough to have fun and slow enough to enjoy a versatile training experience.

The speed is adjustable

These quads also offer adjustable speed parameters. When the speed is at its slowest, you can expect to get around 3mph of top speed. When it is about getting the fastest speed, anything around 9mph should justify its full potential.

The balancing property is also relevant enough to make your kid comfortable on the vehicle.

When a kid is trying his best to learn to ride a quad, the thing he needs to work on most is obviously balance. We need to say that your kid will always be in control with these quads. Even as full-grown adults, we have been on these quads without facing any complications at all. Therefore, your kid should always feel comfortable on these quads to make the best use of his childish potential.

These quads will save your fuel cost

Unlike a fuel-powered quad, these quads are fully chargeable. That means you do not have to go to a gas station to refuel the quad. Charge it when the quad is not in use, and your kid will be to ride on it whenever he wants.

The charging time should be anywhere between 45 minutes to one hour, depending on how much throttle your kid is using while driving the vehicle.

The compact size will allow your kid to ride it anywhere he wants

If your kid has become interested in riding a quad or ATVs, these are definitely worth recommending because of their compact size as well.

Both quads come at a dimension of 44x26x39 inches, meaning your kid will be able to ride it in home, garage, backyard, or anywhere he wants.

Flipping the power boost button will enable your kid to reach its max level.

There are plenty of opportunities left as well why this one is worth giving a try.  When your little champ is ready to go to the next level, flipping the boost switch will enable him to reach a top speed of up to 11 miles per hour. When excavating the total potential is possible, why one should not go for it?

The cruising range is also satisfactory enough to make your kid ride longer.

The cruising range for these quads is also convenient enough, allowing your little champ to play longer with these quads. When he will go at a slow pace, it is possible to stay on the track for about one hour to one hour and twenty minutes.

If he uses the throttle during most of his riding, anything near 40 minutes to 50 minutes should conclude the whole thing.

What are some of the drawbacks to keep in mind?

First of all, these quads are low-powered. Therefore, enforcing too much pressure can reduce the balance.

Riding for around one hour should keep these quads in a good health. Besides, the charge time and charge lasting capability can also vary depending on the usage.

That means you should face the least drawbacks when you will use the quad by maintaining enough balance.

Final summary

Like most other SSR dirt bikes, SSR quads are also logical enough to bring forth essential support in every situation. Ensuring a better price range to deliver optimized performance, SSR beats anyone by maintaining a good marginal difference. You can surely pick SSR ABT-E350 or ABT-E350R quad to make your kid's childhood more exciting and fun.

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