Is not Tesla Model 3’s ground clearance a bit off?

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While the rest of the Tesla Models can handle most road conditions with convenient ground clearance, the Tesla Model 3 can create some sort of inconvenience with only 5.5 inches of ground clearance.

Taking the Model 3 into a garage that has ramps and slopes can turn out to be a tedious job. Yes, you always have the option to increase the ground clearance a little by using a lift kit. But doing so will alter the overall performance and controllability of the sedan. Therefore, it requires a tremendous amount of thought and considerations before you lift up your car.

What’s the solution then? Well, that is what we are here to talk about-

Tesla Model 3 ground clearance

All Tesla Models’ ground clearance

Tesla is currently expanding its automotive sector almost all over the world. The adjustable ground clearance of most of the Tesla Models makes them relevant for most driving conditions except the Tesla Model 3.

We will talk about this later in this article. For now, here is a chart that will show you the exact ground clearance you will get from different Tesla Models.

Tesla Model

Ground clearance

Model S

4.6-6.3 inches

Model 3

5.5 inches/140mm 

Model X

18cm/7 inches

Model Y

17cm/6.7 inches

Why the ground clearance of Tesla Model 3 is a problem?

Having around 140mm of ground clearance may not give you any trouble while you are driving on the plain road. But when it is about parking it or taking it into a garage that has slopes or ramps, the underbody of the car can seriously be impaired.

We are not the only one who complains about the ground clearance of the Tesla Model 3. Countless other Model 3 users have been constantly talking about insufficient ground clearance.

Unlike Tesla Model S or Model X, Model 3 will not even allow you to adjust the clearance. As a result, lifting up the vehicle becomes the only way out of this problem.

If you own a Tesla Model 3, you may also check the console wraps for your Model 3.

Why you can't adjust the ground clearance of Tesla Model 3?

If you have ever felt like the space of the under-part area of your Tesla Model 3 is insufficient for perfect placement, you probably have thought about adjusting the ground clearance to get the optimized experience.  But all of a sudden, you get to know that you are not allowed to adjust the ground clearance of the Tesla Model 3.

Unlike Tesla Model X and Model S’s air suspension, Tesla Model 3 uses coil springs. While you can always adjust the ground clearance when your car has air suspension, it is altogether impossible to adjust the ground clearance with coil springs. 

Therefore, you will need to cope up with the stock ground clearance unless you are willing to lift up your vehicle with a lift kit.

What’s the solution?

Well, there are two different approaches you can undertake to resolve the issues with Tesla Model 3 ground clearance. Either you can use a thick floor mate to increase the height a little while taking the car in and out of your garage.

Otherwise, you can think about lifting your car to gain a little more ground clearance. But before you choose the second approach, we would like to mention that the performance will never be the same again.

If you are interested in Tesla’s FSD, this article might help you to get some insightful information regarding the topic.

Why you should not lift your Tesla Model 3 for better ground clearance?

You might be thinking about lifting up your Tesla Model 3 as you are not getting the optimum experience while loading and unloading your car inside of your garage or while parking.  But should you lift up your Tesla Model 3?

Here are some of the reasons why you should not-

  1. First of all, you will never get the same stock performance.
  2. The controllability will reduce to a great degree.
  3. Getting the essential acceleration and handling property will be harder than ever before.

Therefore, think twice before you put an ax on your feet.

Why the ground clearance of Tesla Model 3 is not suitable for driving in Indian road conditions?

Tesla Model 3 comes with a ground clearance of around 140mm or 5.5 inches, which may seem relevant for the road condition of Europe, North America, or the Middle East. But driving a Tesla Model 3 on Indian road conditions with only 140mm of ground clearance may seem completely illogical.

Having around an extra 25mm of ground clearance may suffice to give the driver a convenient experience while driving on an Indian road.

Unlike the roads of Europe or North America, Indian roads tend to have higher slopes and speed breakers. Passing those road obstacles with Model 3's standard 140mm of ground clearance will never be achievable.

Tesla’s approach on launching Model 3 in India

Well, Tesla had a plan to launch the Model 3 in India. But due to some complications, the release date has been moved to some other time. Why so?  Well, the insufficient ground clearance of the Tesla Model 3 is considered as one of the main reasons why Tesla is taking time to launch Model 3 in India.

Tesla is thinking about enhancing the ground clearance from 140mm to 165mm. That means Tesla Model 3 will have additional 25 inches of ground clearance than the present standard version. 

Having 165mm of ground clearance should not create any problem at all to run a Model 3 on Indian road conditions at ease.

What’s the alternative?

We know that Tesla Model 3 is the most budget-friendly option available so far. But if you are not happy with the ground clearance, you may go with the standard Model S and Model X.

The Model S will allow you to adjust the ground clearance from 4.6 inches to 6.3 inches, whereas the standard Model X comes with a ground clearance of around 7 inches.

That means choosing Model X, and Model S will allow you to adjust the parameter according to your preference.

Final words

If you are living in Europe or North America, you may get away with 140mm of ground clearance. But when it comes to driving a Tesla Model 3 in India, you may face many limitations. We hope the new Tesla Model 3 will have higher ground clearance than the present standard Model 3 to give you the best experience.

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