Tesla Powerwall Vs. Enphase backup batteries: which one is for your home?

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The best way to reduce your reliance on the power grid is to set up a backup power system that can back you up when the grid power goes down.

In that case, setting up an integrated battery system that can store solar energy to deliver power in need is always the ideal alternative.

Enphase IQ batteries are an old runner in this category.

Tesla Powerwall might be comparatively new, but Powerwall solar batteries are always a tough competitor since inception.

We are excited to make a head-to-head comparison between Tesla Powerwall and Enphase battery so that choosing the right backup battery becomes easier.

TeslaPowerwall Vs. Enphase backup batteries

What is the solar battery backup?

When you have a solar panel installed on your house, you want to get the maximum power out of solar energy.

That is what the backup battery installed at your house does. 

The backup battery collects and stores the solar energy so that the next time when the grid power goes down, it can back up the power system by delivering the stored power.

solar panel

If you are living in an area where the grid power has a tendency to go down, installing a backup battery should give maximum resilience to the power system of your house.

Tesla Powerwall Vs Enphase backup batteries

In this particular section, we will be comparing both Tesla Powerwall and Enphase backup batteries in multiple categories so that you get to make a better decision.





More economical

A bit expensive

Battery type

AC coupled battery


Power capacity

13.5 kWh

10 kWh

Warranty cycles





More reliable


10 years

10  years (extendable)



Perfect design

App controllability



Chemical property






Depth of discharge



Let us begin with the manufacturer information-

Enphase is an old runner in the power solution sector, whereas Tesla has been gaining more popularity in recent days.

Tesla Powerwall setup

Resilience and trust depend on longevity. The longer an item persists, the better it ought to be.

In that case, Enphase seems to stay on the edge. Enphase has been delivering backup power solutions for a long long time. Therefore, Enphase backup batteries are more reliable undoubtedly.

On the contrary, Tesla has just started its journey. The surprising fact is that despite being new, Tesla is giving a hard fight to all the competitors within a very short time.

Even in some cases, Tesla is comparatively delivering better products to the consumers.

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Tesla solar batteries are economical compared to Enphase batteries

Tesla Powerwall

Economical Tesla solar batteries can be both a plus point and a drawback.

When comparing Tesla solar batteries with Enphase batteries, Powerwall batteries seem to be cheaper.

But in some cases, the cutting of the price has come for the sake of quality.

On the contrary, Enphase backup systems are relatively expensive. But when it comes to delivering quality, Enphase has not compromised a bit.

AC coupled batteries of Tesla may not ensure power economy

The problem with AC coupled batteries is that it needs to go through multiple recycling processes once the battery is fully charged.

For example, when the sunlight is extreme outside, the Tesla battery tends to charge in full but the solar panel does not stop delivering power.

As a result, the battery needs to shut off for a couple of minutes to drain a portion of the consumed power.

The battery, therefore, go through an on and off cycle as long as the daylight remains.

In consequence, the life expectancy of the battery may go down after several years.

The Enphase micro inverters connected with Enphase batteries on the other hand can control the solar output and thus requires no such activities.

As a result, Enphase batteries may last longer than Tesla solar batteries.

Tesla delivers more power capacity compared to Enphase

Enphase backup batteries

Tesla Powerwall and Powerwall+ come with an energy capacity of 13.5kWh. As a result, one will be able to get more power output from a Tesla backup battery.

On the contrary, the Enphase IQ10 backup battery can deliver up to 10kWh energy capacity.

When it comes to getting back up in any kind of power outage, Tesla backup batteries seem to remain on the edge.

You will get more warranty cycles with Enphase batteries

A great reason why Enphase batteries might be a better and long-lasting home backup option is that all Enphase batteries come with a longer battery cycle.

For example, Tesla Powerwall 2 battery comes with 3200 warranty cycles.

On the contrary, Enphase Encharge battery provides up to 4000 battery cycle warranty.

Enphase batteries are more reliable.

The placement of multiple micro-inverters is what makes Enphase batteries more reliable to the users. Even if one of the inverters fails, the others will still give backup to keep the system functional.

If the primary inverters of a Tesla battery fail, the whole system will go down.

As a result, the Enphase battery will remain on the edge in terms of reliability.

Both Tesla and Enphase provide 10 years warranty.

Although both manufacturers provide the same warranty period, you can extend the warranty period of Enphase batteries up to five more years.

As a result, it is possible to get 15 years of limited warranty with Enphase.

Tesla batteries are fixed to 10 years anyway.

Tesla batteries are well designed.

Tesla has a reputation to have the best engineers in the world. The design of every Tesla product is a perfect specimen of this claim.

The well-designed Tesla solar batteries will undoubtedly get 10 out of 10 in terms of design.

Although Enphase delivers a well-built backup option to the market, certain areas can be improved including color and pattern.

Both manufacturers provide app controllability.

When it comes to inspecting every property of the battery and solar panel, both Tesla and Enphase have dedicated applications to have complete control over the batteries. 

There are multiple areas where the Tesla app can be improved. But the Enphase Myenlighten app seems to be a complete package when it comes to having better controllability and functionality over the battery and solar panel.

Enphase has been a market leader, but Tesla is booming

Until now, Enphase is leading the solar battery section. That does not mean that Tesla is out of the competition.

Tesla is at the same time bringing quality and performance to please the consumer.

The better part of the Tesla battery backup solution is that Tesla is constantly upgrading the system.

As a result, there is a high chance that Tesla will bring a more developed backup solution to the market.

Enphase brings LFP batteries, whereas Tesla has NMC batteries

The chemical properties of both batteries are different as well.

Enphase solar batteries are constructed with Lithium-Iron-Phosphate, whereas Tesla uses Nickel-Manganese-cobalt in their batteries.

Being a Lithium-Ion battery, Enphase is more concentrated on power delivery and longevity.

Nickel and Manganese allow Tesla batteries to deliver more power but for the sake of longevity.

At the same time, Tesla batteries include harmful cobalt in the property which is not present in Enphase batteries.

Both batteries are safe.

A well-designed interior and exterior setup of both batteries make them safer for kids and pets.

The use of Cobalt in Tesla Powerwall may be harmful if exposed directly to kids and pets. Otherwise, it should be safe to install on the house. 

On the other hand, Enphase has designed its batteries so well that safety should never be an issue.

Depth of discharge: both are the same

A battery can be marked as good when it has more than 95% depth of discharge.

According to the manufacturer specification, both Powerwall and IQ batteries come with 100% depth of charge. 

Depth of discharge simply refers to the capacity to hold the charge. For example, if a mobile battery has 10% battery left, it can hold up to 90% charge.

Both batteries having 100% DoD should please the user at any moment.

Powerwall or IQ: which one is for you?

Multiple factors are worth considering before choosing a backup option.

Until now, Enphase batteries are more reliable but a bit expensive.

On the other hand, Tesla's backup solar batteries are economical and do the job that it is here to do.

Both batteries will relentlessly deliver optimal performance for around 10 years.

After that, it is the Enphase that should win the competition.

As a newcomer to this section, you may give Tesla a try. With higher energy capacity, Tesla solar battery will allow you to do a high-power activity. 

But when it comes to reliability, Enphase will always be the winner. 

Final verdict

Transferring and storing solar energy demands to have a system. A solar backup battery is what you need to do the job.

You will give priority to power and economy over reliability when you choose Tesla.

You will give priority to everything when you choose Enphase. But that will cost you more money.

It is now your decision to make whether it is Tesla that you want to have or is it Enphase that is your preference.

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