Will rain hurt my ATV or Quad? Is or Not

The simple answer is that rain will not hurt your ATV. As long as the engine is safe from water hazards, the ATV will not face any trouble.

ATVs are not designed for riding on the clear road. They come with an extreme construction to ride on the off-road to extract the real taste of adventure. That means a quad will have such mechanisms to withstand all kinds of rain and water hazards.

All these things should not mean that they are devoid of vulnerability.  If one starts using the quad without maintaining proper safety procedures and precautions, the chances of damage and deterioration are always high.

If you would like to learn about how you should protect your quad from rain, mud, and water hazards, this article should please you with proper guidelines. Scan through the whole article to get the optimum satisfaction.


Why rain will not hurt your ATV?

  • First of all, if you look at the construction mechanism of any quad, you would notice that they tend to come with rigid construction. The primary purpose of all these quads is to explore the roughest terrain. You would not see a single quad riding on the street. The rigid construction allows them to withstand most weather influence, including rain, wind, dirt, mud, and sundry.
  •   If you drive in the stream of water, you need to ensure that the water is not over flooding the engine. It is always ideal to drive the machine in the stream of water with the maximum height of the wheel. If the height of water surpasses the height of the wheel, it may damage the functional properties of the engine.
  • Nothing is everlasting. A quad obviously comes with a water-proof mechanism, allowing you to drive during rain or in the stream of water. But enforcing too much pressure on the ATV might lead to deterioration. If it is raining heavily and you keep your ATV outside open thinking that it is water-proof, it would not do any good at all. Submerging the engine with rainwater can reduce the life of your quad.
  • Besides, if you make any modification to the intact body of the quad, it can make the machine vulnerable to rain or stream water. If you have made some modifications to the body of the ATV, you should also maintain proper precautionary to protect both the quad and engine.

Indeed, rainwater and stream water should not hurt your ATV. But it is not altogether free from deterioration if you don't take sufficient care of the machine. These machines are an excellent companion on the off-road. That is why they deserve some better protection to maintain sustainability.

How to protect your ATV during rain?

atv garage
  • If you are not using the ATV during rain, you should never keep it open on the outside. Use a large rain cover to shade the machine. Keeping the quad under heavy rain for a long time can damage the engine and other functional properties severely. In that case, a rain cover will ensure better protection.
  • If you are driving during a rainy day, you should be super careful in the wet and messy areas. It's always better to slow down a little to avoid any malfunction. Make the acceleration process a little slower on the wet surfaces.
  • You may not slow the pace a little while going through an intersection during any other day, but it is always ideal to slow the pace when going through an intersection or low-traction surfaces to ensure better safety of your quad.
  • If you are driving in the stream of water, the height of the stream should not be more than 1 feet. If you are bad at measuring, ensure that the water level does not cross the wheel’s height. Submerging the engine with water can create a blunder in the long run.
  • One of the most common reasons for engine deterioration during rain is an upgrade. If you have made any upgrades recently, ensure that you have not kept the engine compartment wide open to prevent all kinds of vulnerability.

Which ATVs are most vulnerable to rain?

Indeed, most ATVs are not vulnerable to moderate to lighter rain. But it’s not the reality for all ATVs. There some machines that you never should take on the trail during a rainy day. Here are some of the examples of such ATVs-

  • If you have been using your ATV for a long time, it would always be vulnerable to rain. Nothing lasts for eternity. Any machine loses its sustainability with use. If you have an antique piece, it is always ideal to keep it inside the garage during a rainy day. At the end of the day, it is all for the greater good of your vehicle.
  • If you have made some upgrades by installing some electronic gear in your ATV like, ATV windshield, Atv light bad kits, Atv battery charger etc, the vehicle will always remain vulnerable to wet conditions. Some of the modern days ATVs are also equipped with many electrical technologies. If you have such one, think about taking a rest for a day. It will help to keep the sustainability of the machine. The damage does not happen in one day. It takes time. Don't give nature that moment.
  • Check the manual guide before you go out in the rain. The manual guide clarifies the amount of water your vehicle will be able to consume. If you are thinking about passing a deep stream, ensure whether the machine has compatibility to run on that stream or not.
  • Finally, if you have faced any problem while exposing the machine to rainwater before, it is always better to keep the vehicle inside the garage. Showing some signs of malfunction means that the system is not balanced in a wet environment. Don't make the condition worst by taking it outside again. It would not bring any good to you at the end of the day.

Final words

There is no problem in taking the ATV outside when the rain is mild to moderate. But if it is raining heavily, maintaining some safety precautionary might help to keep the functional properties of the vehicle safe and sound. On the other hand, if you are thinking about taking the vehicle in the stream of water, you should always maintain the exact height level of the stream. Submerging the engine with flooded water might lead to severe damage. It is not that you have to stop going outside rather ensure enough safety to feel the fun of driving.

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