Do you need a title for your ATV and UTV?

Almost 99 percent of brand-new ATVs and UTVs come with a title.

If you are purchasing an ATV without any title, you probably are buying it from a third-party site or vendor. At the same time, a used ATV may not also come with a title.

A title is the proof of ownership. It gives you the authenticity to claim the vehicle as your own. If you are a citizen of the United States, the rules and regulations regarding the title of an ATV may vary in different states. Not every state requires you to have a title for your Powersports.

ATV title mean

What does an ATV title mean?

A title is the identity card of your vehicle. An ATV title is proof that you own the quad. One needs to issue the title from the respective state’s Department of Motor Vehicle office. The title of a quad may include multiple pieces of information. It depends on the state you are living in. Some of the most common pieces of information you may require to get the title are-

  • A vehicle identification number.
  • Manufacturer information.
  • A license plate number.
  • Vehicle owner information.
  • License information.
  • Tax information.

Some states may also demand some additional information while applying for a title. You should always check your state’s vehicle rules before applying for the title.

Do all ATVs come with a title?

Almost all the new ATVs and UTVs of present days come with a title. ATVs started to come with a title in the early 90s. An ATV earlier than that period may not come with a title. Besides, purchasing a used ATV or UTV may also fail to deliver you with a title.

If you have an ATV without a title, you can apply for one from the respective department. If everything is okay with the information, getting a title for your vehicle should give you much trouble.

By the way, some states may not require you to have a title for your quad. But, it is always ideal to have one to avoid any hassle in the future.

ATV title

Why some ATVs do not come with a title?

If you are purchasing the ATV or UTV from a dedicated seller, you should always get the title. But if someone offers you an ATV without a title, there is a high chance that you are getting a stolen quad.

They tend to alter the real identity of the vehicle by making some modifications. As a result, getting the title for the vehicle becomes much harder. That is why you tend to get them at a cheap price range.

If you are spending money to get an ATV, you should always choose one by maintaining all the procedures. It is not mandatory to have a title, but having one enhances safety in the longer run.

You may also not get a title when you purchase a used ATV. Changing ownership is an intricate process. That is why the old user prefers selling the vehicle without delivering the title.

Should you purchase an ATV without a title?

Many third-party vendors or sellers will offer you a quad without any title but at a cheap price. But should you purchase an ATV that does not come with a title?

The simple answer is that you should never purchase an ATV that does not come with a title. An ATV without any title reduces the chances of safety in certain situations. Besides, you cannot apply for the if you miss the title. Here are some other reasons why you should not purchase a quad without any title-

  • First of all, an ATV without any title means it is stolen. It is hard to discern the changes they made to the quad as a beginner. Talk with a pro if you feel like the seller is handing over a pirated edition to you.
  • Driving an ATV or UTV without a title is sometimes a violation of traffic rules. A respective citizen never does that. Be respective towards the traffic rules.
  • You will not be able to apply for safety insurance. This is going to be a big blunder if you fall into any accidents with the ATV.
  • An ATV without a title will fail to deliver optimum security. If you want better protection and security, ensure that you are choosing one with the title.
  • If you need a vehicle identification number, you will not be able to apply for the number without the title.

ATVs like Can-Am uses a strong security matrix. If you are using a stolen ATV, the owner may sue a case against you. Be very alert to avoid any kind of blunder.

How to get a title for your ATV

ATV & UTV title

In case you have bought a used ATV and UTV from someone, you may need to have a title to use it legally. But how do you do that? It is simple if you are innocent. If you are not using a stolen ATV, you can apply for the title by maintaining some simple procedures. Here is what you will require to apply for the title-

  • First of all, you need to have all the information about buying and selling the ATV.
  • You need to deliver the full name and address details of both buyer and seller.
  • The description of the vehicle is a must while applying for the title. The description includes manufacturing year, model number, make, and so on.
  • you also need to deliver the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to get the title.
  • The taxation information or the ownership transfer application is also another important thing you need to keep in mind while applying for the title.
  • You also need to mention the purchase price in the application.

If everything is okay with the information and vendor, ownership transfer should not give you trouble. By the way, both buyer and seller need to go to the department while issuing the title.

Final words

The title of any vehicle provides the legal information of ownership. If your vehicle has one, you can claim it as your own. One may found some stolen or used ATVs without any title. You can apply for a new title by transferring the ownership while purchasing a used one. But one should never buy a stolen ATV. It reduces the validity of the machine. You can prevent purchasing a stolen ATV by checking the VIN and other legal information. It is always exciting to ride on your own vehicle with all legal information.

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