Balance Bike SSR AKB-1221 vs. AKB-1257 vs. AL-1209: Which balance bike your toddler will adore the most?

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A balance bike as its name suggests allows a toddler to learn the basics of balancing properties. These balance bikes are more similar to a bicycle but have some functional differences.

Unlike a conventional bicycle, a balanced bike will not have any paddle. A toddler needs to generate the power through their feet. Besides, these cycles will also have fat pneumatic tires to give every toddler the freedom of the ride.

When it comes to picking up a balance bike for a toddler, SSR Motorsports is always a good choice to consider. SSR Motorsports brings three different balance bike lineups in the name of AKB-1221, AKB-1257, and AL-1209.

In this particular article, we will be comparing all these three balance bikes so that you can pick the right item according to your kid’s preference.

SSR Balance Bike AKB-1221 vs. AKB-1257 vs. AL-1209

SSR AKB-1221 vs. AKB-1257 vs. AL-1209




69 dollars.

75 dollars.

99 dollars.

Steel frame

Steel frame

Aluminum frame.




12/12 inches EVA foam tires.

12/12 inches EVA foam tires.

12/12 inches pneumatic tires.

Plastic rim

Plastic  rim

Aluminum rim.

Rubber handlebar grip.

Rubber handlebar grip.

Rubber handlebar grip.

Leather seat

Leather seat

Leather seat

No brake

No brake

No brake

No pedal

No pedal

No pedal.

No stand

Includes stand

No stand.

Includes footboard.

Includes footboard

No footboard

Up to 8 years of age.

Up to 8 years of age.

Up to 8 years of age.

6.5 pounds

7.5 pounds.

5 pounds.

50 pounds of load capacity.

50 pounds of load capacity.

50 pounds of load capacity.

32x14x19 inches.

34x16x19 inches.

35x14x19 inches.

Red in color

Black in color

Silver in color.

All three SSR balance bikes come at a price of under 100 dollars.

Balance bike usually comes for the toddlers. Therefore, they are way cheaper than an adults’ bike. In most cases, you will be able to purchase a balance bike at a price of under 100$ dollars. These balance bikes that we have mentioned here are no different as well.

The first balance bike we have mentioned here is the AKB-1221. You will be able to purchase this one at a price of around 69 dollars.

The next one, which is the SSR Powersports AKB-125, is gettable for the price of around 75 dollars.

The last one on this list is the AL-1209. This one is the most expensive item available on the list. This one is gettable at a price of around 99 dollars.

Both AKB lineups will have powder-coated steel frames, whereas the AL lineup will have an anodized aluminum body frame.

The richness of the AL-1209 balance bike is well-visible in its body frame design as well. The AL-1209, with its aluminum body frame offers the lightest body weight among the three. On the other hand, the AKB series is a little heavier with the steel frame construction. One primary reason you can trust the AKB series is that all the balance bike of this series comes with a powder-coated finishing. Therefore, getting protection from rust and corrosion will be always possible.

On the other hand, AL-1209 with its anodized finishing offers the most convenient support by keeping the cycle safe from all kinds of weather influence.

The tire diameter is the same in all three balance bikes

Although the construction material is a little different, the size of the tires in each of the balance bikes is the same.

The AKB 1221 and 1257 will have 12/12 inches of tires with EVA foam material. Therefore, these tires are better convenient to give a toddler enough balance in most terrain conditions.

On the other hand, the AL-1209 balance bike will have fat pneumatic tires with better shock absorption capacity. Therefore, climbing or jumping from a little height will be comfortable enough with this essential balance bike.

The AL-1209 is more balanced with an aluminum rim, whereas the AKB-1221 and 1257 are moderate with a plastic rim.

The rim of any balanced bike plays an important role in determining the performance. The more stable and durable the rim is, the better performance you can expect to get. The AL-1209 will win this section as well with its aluminum rim construction. Therefore, it will be able to deliver more support than its two other counterparts.

On the other hand, the AKB-1221 and 1257 are moderate enough with plastic-made rims. Anyway, this does not demean this bike's performance even a little. Unless your kid is big enough, these rims should be able to support the weight without any inconvenience. 

The rubberized grip handle is common in all three balance bikes.

One primary feature that is common in all these three balance bikes is the handlebar grip. Handling a bike as a toddler is much harder than you can anticipate. But even with the nominal experience, your kid should be able to handle these bikes with a rubberized grip. These grips are balanced enough with enough traction on them so that the handlebar always remains in your child's grip.

Leathered seats are also the same in all these three balance bikes

Yes, the seat material and the size are all the same in these three balance bikes. These leather seats are comfortable enough to allow your toddler to go for a balanced ride. Besides, the appropriate placement with the perfect height and size will come in handy to make the riding much easier.

Even as a beginner, learning the basics of riding a balance bike will be much easier than ever before

You will get no brakes or no pedal with all these three bikes

While a conventional bi-cycle will have a pedal and brake, a balance bike will have only the handle to control the ride. Such an example we see in all these three balance bikes. There is no presence brake and pedal. This is logical because such construction allows a toddler to learn to make balance with better proficiency.

The AKB-1221 and 1257 includes a footboard, whereas the rest of the two does not include one.

The AKB series is a little more versatile with a footboard, whereas the AL-1209 does not include one. We are not here to make any distinction regarding whether it is good or not. Some people love to have a footboard, whereas many others will go with a balance board without any footboard. We recommend you give priority to your preference. That is how you get to pick up the right item that would bring the most convenient experience.

The AKB-1257 will have a foot stand, whereas the rest of the two will not have any.

Would you love to have a foot stand on your balance bike? Well, the AKB-1257 is the ideal choice for you. This essential balance bike includes a foot stand to give more versatility with your balance bike. On the other hand, the rest of the two counterparts will not have any foot stand. Having a foot stand may help, but not having one is not illogical at all. Therefore, we could not demean the rest of the items even a little.

The AL-1209 has the least weight among these three

A toddler always wants to have a lighter balance bike to have better control ability over the machine. When your preference is to go with any one of these three, the lightest one on this list is surely the AL-1209.

This one comes with a weight of 5 pounds only. The rest of the two balance bikes on this list will have a weight respectively 6.5 pounds and 7.5 pounds.

None of the bikes on this list seem to have a high-end weight. But when a toddler is a concern, this much weight may also seem a burden.

Therefore, you can always go with the AL-1209 when you want a lighter one. Other than that, the rest of the two are almost identical in terms of weight.

All these three balance bikes can withstand a load capacity of up to 50 pounds.

A Balance bike usually comes for the age of two to six years of age. Toddlers at that time do not seem to gain more than 50 pounds of weight. Unless your kid is growing so fast, all these three balance bikes should suffice with a load capacity of up to 50 pounds. Fifty pounds seems a lot when you consider the weight of a toddler. Any toddler with an age of two to eight years of age should be able to ride on these bikes with ease and comfort.

Unless your kid is growing so fast, these balance bikes should give a convenient experience to teach him/her the basic fundamental of balancing.

AL-1209 is the largest among these three in terms of dimension

Choosing the right size and dimension is also important to gain the essential boost and performance as a toddler. These three balance bikes we have mentioned here come in three different sizes.

The AKB-1221 is the smallest balance bike on this list with a size of around 32 inches. The AKB-1257 stays in the middle with a size of around 34 inches. On the other hand, the AL-1209 wins the competition with a  size of 35 inches.

When your kid has grown up a little, the AL-1209 should introduce you to the most convenient experience. On the other hand, both balance bikes of the AKB series should suffice for any toddler within the age of five or less.

AKB-1221 is red in color, AKB-1257 is black, and AKB-1209 comes in a silver color

All three balance bikes also have distinctive colors. Therefore, you will always have the chance to choose a perfect color according to your kid’s favorite color. When your kid loves red, you can go with the AKB-1221 balance bike to make him happy. The AKB-1257 also looks decent with an aesthetic black color finishing.  Finally, the brighter silver color on the AL-1209 is also here to give the brightest experience possible. 

When you give better importance to the style, the color of the cycle is always an important aspect to consider. Therefore, you are never out of options to pick up the appropriate item that your kid would love.

All three bikes come for the same age.

According to the manufacturer's specifications, these bikes will comply with any toddler with an age of two to eight years.

If your toddler age is between two to five, the AKB-1221 or 1257 should bring the most optimum experience.

On the other hand, you can go with the AL-1209 when your kid is more than four years of age.

Which one is perfect for your kid?

Now comes the final consideration section where we will be discussing the most important phase, which is decision making. Which balance bike among these three will bring the most convenient experience possible?

Well, it depends on the kid’s age and height. When your toddler is less than three, controlling a balance bike becomes a little harder for him. Therefore, the AKB series should bring the most convenient experience with its smaller frame and durable construction.

On the other hand, the AL-1209 will be an ideal choice for a little advanced toddler. When your toddler age is around four to seven, the AL-1209 should bring the most wholesome experience possible.

Final summary

  1. A balance bike gives proper support to every toddler to learn the basic fundamentals of balancing at the initial stage.
  2. A balance bike is more akin to a conventional bike except that these bikes will not have any paddle.
  3. Although multiple manufacturers are bringing balance bikes to the market, SSR bike are popular for providing the most convenient experiences.
  4. SSR Motorsports offer three different balance bikes on the market. These are the AKB-1221, AKB-1257, and AL-1209.
  5. While the AKB series brings convenient support for the initial beginner, the AL-1209 can bring additional support for a little advanced toddler.

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