How to make DIY training wheels for Yamaha PW50?

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Parents considering training wheels as both beneficial and unnecessary objects for their kid’s bike riding. In my openion  training wheels are a must for kids’ safer riding, and some disagree.

What do you think?

Are they worth putting on in your little master's bike?

Today, we are going to find out how dutiful training wheels are for newbies dirt biking and how to make one by yourself at home. Take a tour of our whole article.

make DIY training wheels for Yamaha PW50

What are training wheels?

A two-wheeler may need an extra pair of wheels for the beginners to learn. To get control over the bike, kids need to stand still on the ground. Lacking enough confidence or height may cause an imbalance in your child’s bike riding.

This is the time when he will need a pair of extra supporting wheels that are about to assist him with the balance of the whole machine.

Are It useful?

Despite different types of opinions, we believe that training wheels are handy and a working tool to the starter.

Some of you might say that these wheels make the balance artificial or the rider is about to miss the exact controlling lesson with the steering and handlebars. But they can support your kid from failing to get control over the bike.

A strong and well-balanced training wheel pair is all you need to support your kid on the ground. If you want to after market Yamaha PW50 training wheels and not want to make you diy see this article.

Can I make training wheels at home?

Yes, you can make it diy in your home. The bike you may have purchased for your kid, there is a good chance of missing the training wheels on it. Since most of the motorbikes (especially dirt bikes) manufacturers do not provide these wheels for training sessions only.

In need, you can buy universal training wheels available by different manufacturers and sellers. Packages are offering different options with the sizes and materials of the wheels.

If you are a handyman, you can make a pair of strong and good training wheels for your kid's dirt bike at home. A little bit of toil and intention with god calculation is enough to make a good pair of training wheels that is going to keep your kid safe and help him in the riding sessions. 

How to make training wheels at home?

Here we are about to narrate the procedure of making a pair of training wheels for a particular dirt bike, Yamaha PW50.

We will need the required parts that are mentioned below.

  1. A pair of pneumatic tires
  2. An axle rod
  3. Nuts and bolts
  4. Locking washers

The mechanism of making training wheels

First, take the axle rod and measure it; not so long and not shorter for the paddle. Cut the rod accordingly.

Now, drill the bar of the bike’s lower portion. Remember, dirt bike training wheels are not to fit with the back wheels like balance bikes or bicycles. So, drill the bar in the middle of the bikes underneath.

Attach the axle rod with nuts and bolts using washers in each drilled hole.

Now, take the tires. Before putting them on the axle rod, put a lock washer first. Or you will find your tires losing the nuts and pushing them inside. After the plain and locking washer is put on, take the tires and install them.

Use another pair of nuts and bolts with extra washers.

Take a test run before your kid ride on it.

Fix the wheels and the nuts and bolts well. The training wheels are about to touch the ground. Do not misalign the tires.

As this particular dirt bike model is pre-owned with all the advanced features, no need to worry about it.

The parts are available on the market, and you can purchase them from local sellers.

If the bike is provided with factory-made training wheels, they are best. Since those wheels are tested and manufactured only for the model they are implanted on. 

Burt with skills and efforts you can build a worthy pair of training wheels for your kid’s dirt bike.

Dirt bike training wheels recommendations.

Training wheels are your kid’s safety measure for learning bike riding. Riding on a dirt bike is different from a regular bike.

We recommend that you teach the regular bike controlling before giving the chance to ride a dirt bike. Test your kid's courage and intension density before you put him on the seat.

Getting control over the steering is completely up to the rider. As a newbie, things might get complicated when starting with all the engine stuff. Once the regular and helping bikes come to controlled by the tiny hands, go for the dirt bike option.

There are several dirt bikes available in the market. Mostly, none of them offers the advantage of training wheels. So, making training wheels by yourself or a pair of universal training wheels are your two options.

Once you are done making them you can see how they putting effort into your kid's riding experience.


How much does a pair of pneumatic tires cost?

Ans. Around a hundred bucks or more to expense for a pair of pneumatic tires. 

Do I need to weld the axle?

Ans. You can drill the bar under the bike to attach the axle. Or you can weld it if drilling and making a hole is not preferable to you.

Will they bend?

Ans. Use a strong and thick metal axle. It will hang on in the long run.

What kind of axle rod should I use?

Ans. Use a thick and nut-cut axle that will allow you to put the nuts and bolts from both sides.

Final words

Training wheels have less usability when your kids is matured or begininners level rides. But what we see is that these wheels are handy in terms of supporting the newbie dirt biking. So, there is no need to think of it that these are going to contaminate the natural driving process of your kid's dirt biking.

Once the control is in the hand, remove the training wheels. We guess these won’t be a necessary gear for the second time after learning the control.

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